Dec. 2011 : Added a "follow me on Twitter" feature.

Nov. 2011 : Added one picture from Monaco.

Sept.2011 : Added a few pictures from Singapore.

Aug. 2011 : Trip to Alsace / Germany.

Keep an eye on this photoblog ... More to come ;-)

This is my photoblog. By starting it, I didn't want to bring more attention to my photos. I Just wanted to share pictures of moments or places I've been traveling to.

If you like any pictures of my photoblog, please take a minute and leave a comment in the dedicated area (Details and comments), I would appreciate it!

Enjoy !


Voici mon photoblog. En le démarrant, je n'ai pas voulu attirer plus l'attention sur mes photos. J'ai juste souhaité partager des photos de moments ou endroits ou de voyages.

Si vous aimez les photos de mon photoblog, prenez un peu de temps pour laisser un commentaire dans la zone dédiée (Details and comments). Merci.

Want to use one of my pictures (fullres) ? Pictures posted on my photoblog are only lowres (requires less bandwidth). If you are interested in using one - or more, of my pictures (fullres), click on "Contact me" and leave a message. And I'll get back to you.